Climate change is the cause o f global warming. Drought and excess rainfall in some areas are attributed to climate change. The climate is changing as a result of industrial gases emitted into the atmosphere. The gases emitted from industries allows the sun's radiation to reach the earth's surfaces but this gases in the atmosphere reflect them into the atmosphere.
Causes global warming and climate change
- Carbon iv oxide from industrial exhaust gases after using fossil fuels.
- methane gas produced by decaying matter.
- presences of nitrous oxide.
- chlorofluorocarbons used in refrigerators and spraying cans.
- water vapor
Global warming and climate change makes the earth warm. The temperature may cause;
- increase evaporation rate
- more areas will experience more forest and bush fires.
- other areas will come drier while others wetter.
- food production will vary in the same areas and vice verse.
- loss of biodiversity as a result of changing habitats.
- heating the sea water will cause it to expand raising the sea level.
- warmer climate will favor pest reproduction which spread diseases to millions of people.
It can be done by reducing the rate of release of green house gases into the atmosphere through;
- promoting afforestation since tress act as carbon sinks.
- slowing of population growth by family planning.
- creating awareness of activities that cause global warming and suggest practical solutions.
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